Still looking tasty indeedy about 10 months later.
The developers provide regular weekly updates on Facebook:
Also on Twitter. I am not a member of any of these networks, nor I wish to become one, but I can view the content without having to create an account, which is good enough for me.
For the most part, they showcase whatever they are working at the moment, like dogfighting AI, formation control, latest paintjob of a new ship etc. What I am missing there is occasionally giving a broader picture of where the development stands and where they want to get to, even without a release date, for which they clearly aren't ready yet.
What they are showing is a continued, uncompromising attention to detail and to historical accuracy, which is the main selling point for me. TFA is going to be more a simulation than a game. The publisher seems to be giving them free rein for now, which is a good thing.
From the more useful updates, here's a briefing prototype from about half a year ago. In my opinion, a terrible way to provide a briefing for a complex operation. I want to see the facts: my orders, maps, available intelligence, available forces etc., all in a document that I can view and review at my own pace. Not a guy "trying to sound tough", as one of the commenters correctly points out, blurting out one sentence after another on the background of a dramatic music track (can be turned off, hopefully) interspersed with sounds of aircraft engines, supplementary material showing up and vanishing too fast to read (i.e., useless), photos of admirals and models of their flagships that add nothing to the message... just about everything is wrong about this briefing. Too much style, too little substance:
On the good side, it shows that assets and commands not controlled by the player will be involved in the game (like RAAF and USAAF units operating from Papua).
But otherwise what I see far outweighs this briefing blunder. I especially like this menu prototype, which shows what the developers are cooking up for us. First, it would seem that we will be able to play whole operations (as multi-day missions), not just the "main action day", which opens opportunities for replay value: given enough time, each replay can turn out very differently. Second, carrier operations that did not involve carrier vs carrier combat ("Early Battles" and "Watchtower") are covered. This again adds variety to the missions and opens the pathway to a meaningful campaign. This, however, isn't part of the plan for now.
Multiplayer would definitely be interesting - as much as I can imagine the trouble with e.g. managing time compression - and the developers have not ruled out this idea, once (and if ever) the Japanese side is playable.
What I would also like to see is command of non-carrier task forces and operations not involving carriers at all. That's not part of the plan, either - I remember the developers saying that the player will only be able to have flag on a carrier.