More "Pearls before Swine"

Eight years a Maccas worker (Aussie slang for McDonalds) through my student years and this is the intelligence of some of the customers.
..and I'm sure some of those customers looked down on ya with disdain as nothing more than a burger flipper.
Also had four marriage proposals. Two from staff after cooking for them and two from people coming through drive through - one was drunk and the other was deathly serious.
They were all from women? :cheers:
Ok. Now that story is a snot rocket.Reminds me of my brothers wedding where I was his best man. I was warned by his wife if we went out the night before we were to have a couple of drinks... needless to say we both got blindingly drunk. I was staying at his wifes cousins house who were a god fearing family and they gave me a key to let myself in. Needless to say I did that... bounced of a few walls and found myself my bed. During the night the room started spinning and I knew I was gonna chuck up so I ran to the bedroom window.... pushed myself through the Venetian blinds and did a tremendous spew all over their patio. I then burped and crawled back into bed.
I awoke a few hours later feeling fine with someone shouting me down for breakfast... happy days I thought... then the realisation of what I had done had hit me... I looked across at the mangled Venetian blinds, hand prints on the window and could only imagine the devastation that lay in the yard below... uh oh.
I straightened the blinds out... wiped of the sweaty hand prints either side of the window with a sock and went down to face the music.
The sun was shining and the head of the household was standing in the garden... noooooo... I thought to myself as I gingerly edged into the kitchen. My brothers wifes Uncle came in and the first thing he said was.... what a beautiful day for the wedding... after that downpour during the night I thought it was gonna be a wipe out... looking past him my pavement pizza was nowhere to be seen. The rain had completely wiped any trace of it..... talk about a close call.. LOL