Hello everyone, I'm eager to play!



Hello there. Thanks to the administrator for approving my account!

I don't mean to presume, but I'd say I'm fairly younger than the average wargamer. Currently, I'm a 20-year-old Filipino college student majoring in Information Technology. I've always had an interest in video games, particularly ones with military themes. The first "serious" video game I've played was Starcraft, which I still hold closely with nostalgic affection. I got into FPS games soon after that, and started playing casual games like Call of Duty. Eventually, tactical shooters like SWAT 4, Vietcong and Hidden & Dangerous II would catch my attention.

The first ever "simulation" I've played was ARMA 1 when it was still called Operation Flashpoint. I wonder if any of you guys have played it. I was still a child back then, and I was just amazed at the grand scale of the game, especially since my gaming experience up to that point was constricted to small, highly cluttered maps. It was the first video game I played where I could hop into an M1 Abrams and lob HEAT shells at other players from 2km away. I also remember getting so good at aiming with man-portable rockets that I could reliably hit armored targets at ranges where the rocket's fuel would have long been spent on impact. Later, I would learn that it was not how you're supposed to use the LAW or the RPG-18.

After that, I tried getting into flight sims with IL-2 Sturmovik 1946, and fooled around on Fighter Ace (RIP) with several trial accounts. I didn't have a stick, and my parents weren't about to shell out the cash for something so niche, so I couldn't (and still haven't) pursue that interest.

As for Combat Mission, I learned about it when I was 14 or so. I was interested in the realistic simulation, so I quickly pirated CMBB and just as quickly got confused, as I back then had no idea about proper military procedure. So I used it and CMAK as a tank playground where I'd just watch Tigers destroy everything, as the complex ballistic simulation fascinated me.

I kind of forgot about CM until recently, when I stumbled into Armchair General's CM Tactics series of videos on YouTube. It sparked my interest in the franchise again, and after trying out the CMBN demo and watching Josey Wales' amazing AAR's, I managed through thriftiness and cunning (I am very good at getting gifts from people) to get the entire CMBN pack and even upgrade it to Version 4 last Christmas! Right now I'm enjoying a meeting engagement with a friend.

So yeah - if anybody wants to have a CMBN match, then I'm very available!

Aside from CM, I currently enjoy a couple of Slitherine games, namely Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun and Order of Battle: World War II. I also play Counter-Strike: Gobal Offensive from time to time.

I look forward to playing with you guys!
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Greetings @Def

Welcome to the club house, one of the old bores will be along with a welcome pack and some "useful" info shortly; be nice to them they are quite harmless. :) (MY apologies to the usual Great Old One's, in my defence it was HIM not me. Ta :p)

Great intro, though it was brave of you to admit to pirating CM1 many years ago though a nice recovery with your admission that you PAID for CMBN. Figure you will fit in well around here, age is no barrier - the people's here tend to be respectful of anyone with a genuine interest in the game, a willingness to learn, desire to chat or just a weird sense of humour (Guess where Zinzan fits on this list?)
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Thank you very much for the warm welcome! Yeah, I figured I should just be honest with how I discovered CM. I was barely into middle school at that time with little spending money and often just borrowed video game CD's from friends and family. But nobody around me had even heard of CM, and in my childish mind, there was only one recourse...

Anyway, yeah - I've already played several PBEM games with a couple of friends. I must say that I do not regret my purchase. Sometimes I like to take a highlight of one battle and put some ill-fitting music into it, before compiling it into a .webm video like this one.

It was a meeting engagement QB on relatively open, hilly terrain. I took an all-mechanized Panzergrenadier force while my opponent took semi-motorized British forces. I was going to use my superior speed to quickly dominate the map, but he rushed a couple of trucks into the central objective area faster than my half-tracks. That move forced me to dismount a platoon and, even worse, made me cautious. In my hesitation, he managed to set up several 6 pounders on some hills and with my overconfidence, tore me apart with ease. Right now I'm trying to pay him back for that defeat!
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Big welcome to the Club @Def The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
Please check out the links which are there to help you


If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee member Shorker. he will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
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Thank you very much, @Hedgehog . I hope to play with you guys soon. I'm mucking about with Dropbox and CMHelper right now but it's past midnight where I'm at. I'll set those up tomorrow. Goodnight!
Welcome aboard ! just one word of warning but may be to late, Combat Mission should come with a heath warning as it is highly addictive, and once you catch the PBEM bug. there is no going back. ask me ive been addicted for over 10 years now :shocknaz: but still best game ever. :)
Greetings @Def! I see you've already received @Hedgehog's Welcome Wagon hand-outs! They make good reading.

It looks like you are already ready for H2H but here's my standard welcome spiel anyway:
Then, post your first request for a match either here or at the forum for the game(s) you own.
Welcome to The Few Good Men. Good luck and good gaming! Have fun. :singer:
Hello there young man. I see where you are comming from and appreciate it, we all go down that path trying all sorts of games until we reach a destination. At this point in time i would have to say the path you have been on is like a when a young boy starts by drinking your typical fizzy drink, then moves onto low quality beer (In volume) but as he matures he finally appreciates i nice wine. You have arrived. This game is nothing short of that, being ex military myself..infact i was a section commander of a rifle section i can say this is a close as you are going to get where all the principles of warfare apply and tactical combat are as accurate as can be for a PC game...None better in my mind. Things such as Recon, Winning the firefight and suppressing the enemy before you make your assault etc...in addition to the Physco model of troop behaviour Plus as commander you can defeat anybody even with an inferior force if you make good decisions. But most importantly you will, and will need to learn as commander not only to have a good read on the battle but also manage yourself..Sometimes the loss of a few key units can spark a rage for revenge and cloud your judgement. This game in my opinion is a game that is very good for you and develops your brain to solve issues, not like those click fests that claim to be strategy games where little is involved other than i quick hand. Above all else its fun and even better when you are in an environment such as this...Welcome... We will play sometime i'm new here also
Welcome aboard! Sounds like you'll fit right in. Don't be discouraged if you lose a few H2H games in the beginning. Learn from them and adjust your play. "Zerg Rushing" (I saw you are a Starcraft fan) rarely works in CM.

As for pirating.....hell I had a whole shoebox full of pirated games for my old Commodore 64 back in the 1980s. At the time I literally could not afford to buy more than a couple of games a year. I haven't pirated a game since, oh, 1988 or so. In fact I haven't even played half the games in my Steam library (damn sales!).
Welcome aboard! Sounds like you'll fit right in. Don't be discouraged if you lose a few H2H games in the beginning. Learn from them and adjust your play. "Zerg Rushing" (I saw you are a Starcraft fan) rarely works in CM.

As for pirating.....hell I had a whole shoebox full of pirated games for my old Commodore 64 back in the 1980s. At the time I literally could not afford to buy more than a couple of games a year. I haven't pirated a game since, oh, 1988 or so. In fact I haven't even played half the games in my Steam library (damn sales!).

I put my hand in Air for that...Again Meat and i must be of the same generation i did so on the Commodore 64 and Amiga 500. Games back then where just hideous in price
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