Random die roll ... the fates have spoken!Confess: you only did that to make me look bad and get on the good side of my king!
The GM doesn't have to be on anybody's good side.
Random die roll ... the fates have spoken!Confess: you only did that to make me look bad and get on the good side of my king!
@Rico - Ricojupta, the Badgericles Tagmata marches against thee. The Hindu Kush will welcome your bones . . .<snipped>
Who wants some!
Go get'em W!@olaf is taking command of the BLUE forces ...
Attacker usually sets up the battle: Either of you can set up the battle -- medium battle, Mediterranean agricultural map (or other choice by agreement)
BLUE: Lysimachid 320 BC - 281 BC
REDS: Antigonid 320 BC - 3030 BC
Good luck, gentlemen.
Its up! Look for schmolywar
PW: wellsonian
It was crazy ... the great elephant domino race!@Nelson1812 - O Noble Nelsonides, Persis remains safe and secure. Remain vigiliant. We have likely not seen the last of Ricojupta.
Intriguing match, Rico. Thanks for a wild and woolly game.
Might be a bit slow with this — currently functioning off about 2 hours sleep a night — pulled lower back muscle, referred to left thigh and it hurts like hell when trying to lie down and sleep.
Seeing The physio again this morning- hope he can sort me out.
Might be a bit slow with this — currently functioning off about 2 hours sleep a night — pulled lower back muscle, referred to left thigh and it hurts like hell when trying to lie down and sleep.
Seeing The physio again this morning- hope he can sort me out.
I think you may have gotten that backwards...or maybe I did....Blue defeated Red in cilicia.Okay, ready for TURN 3.
After their victory over the BLUES, RED now has province of CILICIA under siege with 2 strength points remaining, the RED army in CILICIA being eliminated.
The Chandragupta INDIAN incursion was beaten back decisively in a battle where all the Indian elephants were routed and stampded off the map in record time...
We are ready for ORDERS -- here are available ACTION POINTS:
BLUE: 10
RED: 4
GREEN: 4 (the newly captured SYRIAN province has gained its first strength point)
Thanks, fixed ... map is correct.I think you may have gotten that backwards...or maybe I did....Blue defeated Red in cilicia.