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Bin Laden Is Dead

Well, I missed the meat of this discussion (not that I wanted to get involved anyway), but I wouldn't be me if I didn't put my 2 cents in.

All wars are about money....whether that is territory, mining, population, etc.

These are no exceptions.

It's sad and it really affected me when I had to stand in ceremony after ceremony in Iraq for the fallen and hear over and over and over again..."they gave the ultimate sacrifice...etc etc." And I got SOOO angry inside because it occurred to me VERY early on that it was all crap and that my friends and everyone before them died for the purpose of fattening up a corporation's wallet.

Do not get me wrong. I LOVE my country. I believe that you have to fight for what is "right". If put up against it, I will not hesitate to kill anyone to protect my family or my country, but one should not go through life blind either.

The death of Bin Laden will not change anything just like the death of Saddam did not change anything.

I guess that all I'm trying to say is that there is no need to great all worked up about this or that ideology when what really rules nations and men are the bankers.

What to do about it? I dont know. I thought I did many times over, but really what can you do?

Live life, protect what is yours, and attempt to excel in your immediate environment. Maybe I will discover something else down the road, but that is all I've got right now.
..What to do about it? I dont know. I thought I did many times over, but really what can you do?..

You can vote for a Party that promises to bring the troops safe home like I do here in Britain, it's a minor Party which puts British interests and the British people FIRST..:)
Our big major parties have always been corrupt and useless and i've never voted for any of them in my life, so whenever a Tommy is brought home in a coffin, I think "My conscience is clear,that's nothing to do with me".

"A vote is like a rifle, wasted in the wrong hands"- Theodore Roosevelt