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No more opinions about this game? Seems like everybody is playing CMBN...
I ve played the demo and initially like it, but to be honest at this stage CMBN is getting my attention.
The game has potential but still CMBB is the King of Eastern front IMO.
It would appear that Matrix has started work on an update tp PCO to address a few things. Will be interesting to see if they add any new material to the release when they update it.
It also looks like theBlitz will be offering new forum(s)/ladder(s) for at least PCO and who knows what else. Raz just posted on one of the threads confirming this addition that will come in a little while.

I think that we players are too busy playing the games to post much at the moment. I will not be getting CMN fo a while yet, jury is still out for me. It does look good though. Have been pouring my time into the map maker in PCO, this thing is great, I can turn out a map in about a quarter of the time that it took in CMx1, and it would appear that CMN is not going to be as user friendly as CMx1 in the map making aspect.
Mad Russian over at Matrix has put together quite a good tutorial on map maker. It is well worth reading if you are interested in trying your hand at making maps for the game. I think that PCO is a huge hit, this is what the game should have been when Winter Storm came out way back.
I'm totally seduced by CMBN's beautiful graphics.
PC:Winter Storm came out in 2006 and the graphics haven't changed much since then, whereas CMBN's graphics are brandnew 2011 quality.
What turns me off in PCO is Infantry represantation,non destructable terrain,guns cant be moved or towed making them useless in any kind of battle except defence,no minor Axis units,
inferior graphics compared even to CMBB.
On the other hand there are many well worked features as u ve said and i m sure that they are going to adress many of the issues that i ve mentioned so i think that it will be worth to purchase it but in
the fututre.
There's the possibility that once the novelty of CMBN's pretty graphics wears off, people are going to feel claustrophobic about being confined to just Normandy in 1944 and will long for the dramatic huge tracts of the Russian Hinterland 1941-45 in PC:O
Each will have it's own faithfull, and I am sure there will be players that play both. We will have to see how each fairs as players start to venture out and organize tourny's and such. Right now everyone playing each of the games is pretty satisfied just tinkering around with the scenarios provided. Give it a little more time and things will start to change. Up will come the topics on tactics, play styles and shortcommings of each game. There will be tech issues for both to overcome and the guys with older computers and laptops will be struggling with stuff. Forums and websites will appear and disappear for each game and somewhere down the road will even out disussions and will fill these and more. Then after a few years when CMN gets a couple new units and a handfull of new forces, which will mostly be shermans with various paintjobs, PC4 will be out with a totally new infantry combat model, cavalry units, towed guns, destructable terrain and the whole eastern and western fronts at your fingertips, not to mention the ability to do far east, nam, spanish civil war, and more we can look back at this thread and make a better analysis of both the games and how they faired out.
The games are totally different, but I'm playing them both AND CMx1 as well. I see the merits in all games and I like them for what they are, but don't compare. What else is there to say?
The games are totally different, but I'm playing them both AND CMx1 as well. I see the merits in all games and I like them for what they are, but don't compare. What else is there to say?

That you are a wise man...
I think this game is as good as dead
I had high expectations but after playing the demo it was sthing like a bad replika of CMBB.I did found some good features and Matrix normally supports their games in a good fashion but.....
Also it seems that wargamers have turned their back on it.
I dont think that there were reported more than 2 PBEM Games in any wargaming club,or at least at those that have a section for it.
I haven't heard back from the developers either - asked them if they might need some help in the graphics department... Well, some things just arrive too late to make a difference. Still enjoy a small game from time to time.
From what I'Ve heard - and I stress these are only rumors - they have problems in the coding department at the moment, so that might explain it. I won't push for inclusion, I've got enough on my plate already.
Their forum is dead also, nobody posted there for 4 or 5 days.
Interesting thing was that the last threads were mostly complain threads,that is pointing sthing about the product i think.
Another interesting thing is that even the fanboys left the building and at the moment are dealing with other stuff,critising CMBN for example.
critising CMBN for example

Hmmmmm....full court press on the competition ya think? Can't beat the best, so try and sow doubt amongst the faithful? I'll bet their ledgers show a lopsided tally, and they are bailing water as fast as they can...
There still is some activity over at Matrixgames, but something apparently has gone wrong. Side note: Have been waiting for an other game of theirs for years now and there's almost no progress on that one either...
I think that for their failure a part goes to,other than the poor game itself,to the people (at least some of them) that formed the developing team as their arrogant style and the negative campaign towards CMBN(a stupid way of marketing if u ask me)trying to discredit it and in this way promote their own thing.
Again i feel sympathy for Matrix as their customer policy and their product support is excellent but apparently they did a mistake with this one.