Gun talk

Saw this one recently:
The Best Handgun Caliber - A Real World Study (
Not because I have any chance of owning one (don't even know if I would if I could), but because it is one of my interests.

So anybody here who owns a .454 Casull?

LOL! I wouldn't put too much credence in that video. The best self defense handgun is the one that fits your hand, you are familiar with, and practice regularly with, regardless of caliber.

.454 Casull? LMAO! Perhaps if you are hiking in Grizzly country. :)
BTW, it surprises me how far the maker of that video goes to prepare himself for the extremely small chance that he has to defend himself against an enemy.
That way of thinking is totally out of sync with life here in the Netherlands.

Welcome to the internet. I live in east Tennessee and no, I don't worry about defending myself against lethal threats on a daily basis. On the other hand, I like to be prepared in case I have to. Most of the time, I just rely on my natural good looks and boyish charm to deescalate any "situation". :)
No handgun is a good stopper.

My wife runs the ICU at our local hospital (big medical center). She says 80% of people shot by handguns live and 20% die. She says you can flip that for rifles and shotguns (80% die and 20% live).

Shot placement is everything.
No handgun is a good stopper.

Really? LOL.

My wife runs the ICU at our local hospital (big medical center). She says 80% of people shot by handguns live and 20% die. She says you can flip that for rifles and shotguns (80% die and 20% live).

With all due respect to your esteemed pulmonologist wife, that anecdotal fatality observation is entirely beside the point of the effectiveness of different handgun calibers in ending various hostile confrontations. In those types of situations, lethality isn't necessarily the end goal.

Shot placement is everything.
Nah. Situational awareness is your best defense.
I have good shoes. My main concern is the black bear population in my area has exploded. Now they are not nearly as dangerous as brown bears, but incidents can happen. There are also bad people out and about.

The odds of my ever having to use it are very slim, but it's better to have it and not need it than need it and now have it, IMO.
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