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I appreciate the lady's motives, but she only had to wait a few more days before the lockdown ended. I mean, in my book, if you ask for trouble, you'll probably get some. However, if the guv was smart, he might want to warm up his pardon pen...

Fair point, but we don't really know her circumstances. IIRC, she said she had missed two mortgage payments, and her stylists were considering going to customers' houses, which would be far more unsafe for them than working at the salon.

I'm pretty sure the Governor of Texas (a state larger than many nations) is a smart man. In the previous video I posted it seems he sicced his lieutenant governor on this "issue" and the Lt. Guv offered to pay her $7k fine himself. Judges at that level are elected, right? I think this judge may have to hang up his law practice shingle after the next election.
Sorry , but she lost me when she called the press and then grandstanded the ripping apart of the cease and desist order. Reminded me of this...

Yea, but Sinead is a bad joke that nobody likes and the salon woman is a national hero now. The devil is in the details, I suppose. If you are going to do something, do it right. :)

(Insert Enemy at the Gates Khrushchev scene "we need heroes").
If you are going to do something, do it right. :)
Well, she did tear it in half the first try, so I guess she got it right.

Like MG said, I am sure there is way more to the story. She had a choice, either wait a couple more days, start her business after the lockdown ended, and then struggle until she went bankrupt anyway because, let's face it, the bank ain't going to wait for their money or go viral, maybe get a GOFUNDME started for her legal fees and gather appearance fees for TV, radio, etc...that's a no brainer...
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More Star Trek humor.
Star fleet has issues. They need to rewrite their policies and procedures with regard to landing parties. Evidently, their current procedures for investigating unknown and dangerous situations on a planet surface is to beam down The Captain, the second in command / Science Officer, the Weapons Officer or Chief Navigator (sometimes both); and the only Doctor. This leaves the Chief Engineer in command. Hell, I think Scotty had more command time than Kirk!
Star fleet has issues. They need to rewrite their policies and procedures with regard to landing parties. Evidently, their current procedures for investigating unknown and dangerous situations on a planet surface is to beam down The Captain, the second in command / Science Officer, the Weapons Officer or Chief Navigator (sometimes both); and the only Doctor. This leaves the Chief Engineer in command. Hell, I think Scotty had more command time than Kirk!
They are not “landing parties.” They are “away teams.”
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I was looking at the Coronavirus map for the US and there are some oddities. The mortality rate in Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa is less than 3%, but in a lot of states, it's 5%? What gives there? Why the discrepancy?
My best guess would be concentrations of geezers. I seem to recall something recently that something like half the fatalities in CA are the elderly.
People living in nursing homes have have died in numbers that could easily be described as massacres. They've loaded the body bags on trucks.
It's like the whole facility was gassed!
While I am not afraid to go outside, and live my life "normally" (taking simply precautions), these kind of headlines are, at a minimum, disconcerting.
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That, and concentrations of people in general. The more rural states tend to be hit less hard. That is why New York City is, by far, the worst place to be for coronavirus. Too many people in too small a space, plus I hear it is believed their subway system helped facilitate the transmission.
That, and concentrations of people in general. The more rural states tend to be hit less hard. That is why New York City is, by far, the worst place to be for coronavirus. Too many people in too small a space, plus I hear it is believed their subway system helped facilitate the transmission.
Also, what about skyscrapers? Steel and metal shafts with shared heating and air conditioning systems. Plus elevators, which I expect are germ factories themselves.
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