Field of Glory II: Empire Builders


The Sat Nav... broke!
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@Rico - It's off to Dark Ages HYPERBOREA for us; 9th Century Russ v Moravians in European hill country. May the best Slav win . . .

'Tis done and the Russ appear to be the better Slavs . . . :shootero:
'Tis done and the Russ appear to be the better Slavs . . . :shootero:

The BLUE @Badger73 Empire is capturing impressive bits of real estate ... the Yellow Rico Empire is thinking of declaring neutrality and hunkering down in their little Caucus Mountain Kingdom ;-)


How is the battle for Aegyptus going? @Wellsonian @Nelson1812
Looks like I've defeated @Wellsonian (I have +39% in the first battle, I think he'll have +30% in the second -- confirmation pending) ... the Anglo-Danish "Well-Equipped" shield walls proving no match for Pictish spearmen, especially on rough terrain.

Yellow Rico Armenian Empire gets its first territorial conquest... huzza!! .... it's distant, cold Caledonia, but apparently the locals there make something called Whis-ky ... looks promising.


Next Battle draw:

@Badger73 (selects province and sets up battle) vs @Wellsonian

@Rico (selects province and sets up battle) vs @Nelson1812 -- - Ill be making a grab for SCYTHIA ... will set up game anon.

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