CMFB Rollbahn D -Full Campaign

December 16th 05:35, the “Ghost Front” erupts in a maelstrom of noise and violence as Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein begins.

The Rollbahn D Campaign contains 35 linear scenarios built as historically accurate as I’ve been able to achieve. 

You control the fortunes of KG Peiper, SG Knittel, and Panzer Brigade 150, along with elements from KG Hansen, KG Sandig, and the 3. Fallschirmjäger-Division.

Boy did this project snowball!

The Campaign begins with a choice. Either starting at the very beginning or on Day 3 of the offensive. The latter will be an easier route as you’ll have not suffered any losses to your core units.

I’ve included here what it takes to progress within the Campaign as not every engagement is balanced. The scenarios range from small to medium to Ben Hur like epics. 

I’ve made minor changes to the Day 1-2 scenarios based on the feedback from the Rollbahn D Part 1 Campaign.


SN01: Murky Merlscheid / Fallshirmjager Regiment 9 / Minor Victory

SN02: Leaving Lanzerath / Fallshirmjager Regiment 9 / Minor Victory

SN03: Minen The Gap / Spitze / Minor Victory

SN04: Breakthrough / Spite Kompanie and Fallsh. / Minor Victory

SN05: Hurrying Through Honsfeld / Spitze and Gndrs / Draw

SN06: Bullingen China Shop / Spitze and Spitze Komp / Minor Victory

SN07: Butchers Of Baugnez / Spizte and KG Peiper / Minor Victory

Day 3 

SN08: Laying Down The Recht / KG Hansen / Minor Victory

SN09: Poteau The Priority / KG Hansen / Minor Victory

SN10: Storming Stavelot / KG Peiper / Tactical Victory

SN11: Trois Is A Crowd / KG Peiper and FSJ / Draw

SN12: Jabos! / KG Peiper / Tactical Defeat

SN13: Probe At Stavelot / KG Peiper and FSJ / Minor Victory 

SN14: Neufmoulin Rouge / KG Peiper / Draw

Day 4

SN15: Duel In The Mist / KG Peiper and FSJ / Minor Victory

SN16: Too Tight At Targnon / KG Peiper / Tactical Defeat

SN17: Vorauskompanie Searches For Gas / SG Knittel / Tactical Defeat

SN18: Ster Way To Heaven / KG Peiper, Sandig, SG Knittel / Tactical Defeat

Day 5

SN19: Stationary At Stavelot / SG Knittel / Major Defeat

SN20: Chewin Them Up At Cheneux / KG Peiper / Tactical Victory

SN21: Treachery At Les Tcheous / KG Sandig / Draw

SN22: Closing The Door / SG Knittel / Draw

SN23: Ambush At Chenai / KG Sandig / Draw

SN24: Violence At The Preventorium / KG Peiper / Draw

Day 6

SN25: KG X Factor / Panzer Brigade 150 / Tactical Defeat

SN26: No Prizes At Noupre / KG Hansen, SG Knittel / Minor Victory

SN27: Punishment At Parfondry / SG Knittel / Tactical Defeat

SN28: TF Jordan Storms Stoumont / KG Peiper / Draw

SN29: Cold Hearts At Froidcour / KG Peiper / Tactical Victory

SN30: Persistence Prevails / KG Peiper / Draw

Day 7

SN31: Borgoumont Blitz / KG Peiper / Major Defeat

SN32: Kicking Coblenz / SG Knittel / Total Defeat

SN33: Festung La Gleize / KG Peiper / Tactical Victory

SN34: Hansens Surprise / KG Hansen / Draw

Day 9

SN35: Katz Und Maus / The Survivors / Minor Victory

All the maps are my own, apart from Cheneux, which is stock that I’ve modified.

Ranks/uniforms can be inaccurate as command units are above the battalion level.

Each Scenario will be available as a separate download in January.

Good Luck!

About Author

Author: Theforger

8 thoughts on “CMFB Rollbahn D -Full Campaign

    1. Yes, Tom. The 7 scenarios are also included in the Full campaign so you can delete 0-48 if you want to.

      The first scenario in the new full campaign gives you the option to skip ahead, allowing you to start at scenario 8 if you want to.

      If you do its an easier route as you haven’t had any core casualties.

      But I didn’t want to force players who had played 0-48, having to play the same scenarios again.

  1. Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but this campaign file will not show up in the games campaign list, despite being extracted into the correct folder

  2. This is just an update to a previous comment I had left regarding the campaign not appearing in the game list, despite being installed to the correct folder.

    FIX: Un-install game, delete folder under Documents/Battlefront/Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg (make sure you retain your save files before deleting)

    Re-install CMFB, re-activate and launch the game

    Exit the game once it has loaded

    Re-install the campaign and re-launch the game

      1. I am using 2.03 Engine 4. You could also try one of the scenarios as all the missions have been uploaded individually.

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