CMSF2 : Buildings 4a and 5a and wrecked Aircon3

Building 4a & 5a Scorched – Take That Kieme!

These are two of Kieme’s outstanding buildings in HD.

I hate Kieme so much I burnt and shot them up. 🙂

What you get with these buildings in HD:

  • Scorched sides from internal fires
  • Windows above the ground floor have no glass (still function in game terms)
  • Lightly-smoked roofs x 2 – a Syrian delicacy – don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it
  • Pockmarking from bullet and shell hits
  • Other damage and battle crap
  • Pro government and jihadist slogans/iconography
  • A little easter egg

Designer’s Notes

You need Kieme’s buildings 4 and 5 to make this work. I recommend all his buildings. Because of the limitations of the way the modular buildings work I suggest you only use it as 1, 2, or 3 storeys as the scorching will look a bit odd otherwise. However it still works with taller buildings, particularly if you add balconies.

The pair of buildings aren’t too heavily bullet-scarred so they fit in with other structures around. Because of the way the modular buildings work there had to be compromises with the placing of the slogans and decals, but I feel they add a lot of character to the buildings.  PUT IN THE Z FOLDER AS USUAL.

Julian J

Author: admin

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